环境专业博士,研究方向为智慧环境、人工智能、传感器算法。曾先后于 TCL通讯控股、vivo手机 、中科院深圳先进技术研究院从事算法工作。
- A novel effluent quality predicting model based on genetic-deep belief networkalgorithm for cleaner production in a full-scale paper-making wastewatertreatment, Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020)121787(共同一作,SCI 中科院一区)
- Application of novel hybrid deep learning model for cleaner production in apaper industrial wastewater treatment system. Journal of Cleaner Production,294(2021), 126343 (一作,SCI 中科院一区)
- Accurate prediction and furtherdissection of neonicotinoid elimination in the water treatment by CTS@AgBC using multihead attention-based convolutional neuralnetwork combined with the time-dependent Cox regression model. Journalof Hazardous Materials,423(2022),127029 (共同一作,SCI 中科院一区)
- Dynamic optimization of wastewater treatment process based on novel multi-objective ant lion optimization and deep learning algorithm. Journal of Cleaner Production,345(2022), 131140(共同一作,SCI 中科院一区)
- Water quality prediction model using Gaussian process regression based on deep learning for carbon neutrality in papermaking wastewater treatment system. Environmental Research, 211(2022), 112942(共同一作,SCI 中科院一区)
- 基于融合注意力机制改进双向长短时记忆网络在电动汽车充电负荷中的预测研究. 电网与清洁能源, 2022,38(06):104-112.(二作,北大核心)
- 基于注意力机制的空时融合深度学习睡姿监测算法研究. 中国医疗设备, 2022,37(07):39-44.(二作,科技核心)
- A novel pedal musculoskeletal response based on differential spatio-temporal LSTM for human activity recognition. Knowledge-Based Systems 261 (2023): 110187.(二作,SCI 中科院一区)
- 基于卷积和共享权系数长短时记忆网络的空时融合机制在风速预测上的应用研究.太阳能学报,2022,43(11).(三作,EI、北大核心)
- The LPST-Net: A new deep interval health monitoring and prediction framework for bearing-rotor systems under complex operating conditions. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62(2024),102558(通讯作者,SCI 中科院一区)
- Application of deep learning model based on transfer learning in activated sludge process for wastewater purification. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 59, (2024),104902(一作,SCI 中科院二区)
- Prediction performance and reliability evaluation of three ginsenosides in Panax ginseng using hyperspectral imaging combined with a novel ensemble chemometric model. Food Chemistry, 430, (2023),136917(四作,SCI 中科院一区)
- A hybrid CLSTM-GPR model for forecasting particulate matter (PM2.5). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14, (2023),101832(共同一作,SCI 中科院三区)
- Application of Residual Structure Time Convolutional Network Based on Attention Mechanism in Remaining Useful Life Interval Prediction of Bearings. Sensors (Basel). 2024,24(13):4132. (通讯作者,SCI 中科院三区)
- 工作学习期间撰写的第一发明人公开和授权发明专利申请书二十几项.
- 主持申报广东省科技厅项目,华南技术转移中心下属华转网平台以科技特派员身份开展企事业单位技术研发,成功对接并签订总金额20万元项目,并已实到账全额资金。项目名称:“基于PVDF信号的睡眠人体生命体征算法”,项目编号:No.GDKTP2020031800。
- 指导研究生参与iCAN2021全国大学生创新创业大赛,参赛项目《基于AI大数据的智慧睡眠管理专家》获华南赛区一等奖,全国三等奖
- 主持由广东清远国家高新区管委会举办的“清远杯创新创业大赛华南师范大学师生专场”,参赛项目《基于心电健康检测的负压按摩产品》获三等奖
- 组织和参与《MATLAB 污水处理深度学习智能模拟与实战》专著写作(完成写作,待出版),作者排名二(导师第一)。
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